Created by Paul Mason on 14 Mar 2008 | Tagged as:
Music and dance in Indonesian cultures are often studied separately and the presentation of academic research rarely incorporates a practical component, and their interconnected essence can best be approached through practice, performance and reflection.
During the Music and Movements in Indonesian Culture workshop/conference in October, the organisers aim to bring together researchers and artists from Indonesia and Australia to discuss and experience together Indonesian Music, Dance and Culture. Researchers from ethnomusicology and dance anthropology as well as other related disciplines will have the opportunity to discuss their research, in addition to actually participating in music and dance workshops.
 Attendance at these seminars and workshops will be open to interested groups in the local community (e.g. high school and University students studying in related areas). With the support of the Consulate General of Indonesia in Sydney it is anticipated that a wider audience of interested parties will attend and Australian Government (DFAT) representatives would be invited.
 The conference will include a mixture of research presentations, music and dance workshops, traditional performances, as well as round-table discussions and speed-paper presentations especially catered for post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers. All sessions will be open to interested members of the local community. This multi-layered symposium endeavours to connect researchers with researchers, researchers with artists, and researchers and artists with the local community.
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