There are a variety of movements in the dance of life that demand our attention as researchers, some more visible than others. The Music and Movements in Indonesian Culture Conference and connects academics with artists and the general public. If you are doing research in Indonesia in the following areas:

  • social movements
  • cultural movements
  • political movements
  • religious movements
  • economic movements
  • music/dance movements

or perhaps you are interested in dance anthropology, ethnomusicology or performance studies, then we invite you to present at the Music and Movements in Indonesian Culture in October!

Abstract Submissions are open for Speed papers, Hot Topic Talks, Research Presentation and colloquia.

Speed papers are a simple introduction of yourself and your research. They are 5 mins long and consist of 4 power slides.


Hot Topic Talks are 20 minutes in length plus 20 minutes Q&A/discussion. We especially welcome proposals in this category from young researchers/students with new and challenging ideas.


Research Presentation Papers are 40 minutes in length, with 20 minutes for questions/discussion.


Colloquia are 90 minutes in length. Their internal structure is up to their organizers, but sufficient time for discussion is encouraged.








Please submit an abstract (max. 500 words) accompanied by presenter’s biography (200 words) to: culturalevents

Workshop proposals are also welcome.

Selected presenter’s profiles and abstracts will be posted on the web prior to the conference.


* Abstracts for Hot Topic Talks, Research Presentations and colloquia by 12 September 2008

* Speed Paper Slides by 30 September 2008

Speed papers

Speed papers are short 5min presentations composed of four power point slides. The first day of the conference will feature special speed-paper sessions where attending honours and post-graduate students will briefly present their research area, topic and methods (four power-point slides per speaker).

Speed papers provide attendees with the opportunity to introduce themselves to eachother, thus facilitating subsequent opportunities throughout the symposium to generate productive discussion and networking.

The aim of the Speed Paper session on Tuesday October 7th is to help researchers get to know one another’s research interests and expertise and to encourage discussion among peers. It is hoped that a short introduction by all participating academics and artists will facilitate new collaborations and interdisciplinary projects.

The speed paper presentations could be considered like academic speed dating. All post-graduate participants will get five minutes to tell the assembled audience about their research project, about what they are already doing, or what they would like to do.

Speed paper submissions must be made as soon as possible.


At the conclusion of the conference, proceedings will be published online.

Please see the sidebar for other sub pages.